Terms and Conditions


The terms and conditions detailed in this document govern the access and use of the Inspiring Skills Excellence in Wales website. The Inspiring Skills Excellence in Wales website will be referred to in this document as the 'Site'.

Website Operator
The Site is operated by Inspiring Skills Excellence in Wales, which will be referred to in this document as 'ISEiW', and which is based at Coleg Sir Gar, Graig Campus, Llanelli, SA15 4DN.


ISEiW gives you permission to use the Site on the terms and conditions detailed in this document.
ISEiW withdraw its permission for you to use the Site at any time without giving you any warning.

Materials on the site
The Site may contain material which is owned by ISEW or which ISEiW has been given permission to use. This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance and graphics. It is protected by numerous laws.

You may look at, use, download and store the material on the Site only for personal and research use. You may not use the material for commercial or business use. You may not re-distribute the material or re-publish the material, or give or make available the material to any other person or organisation.

Use of the Site in a way which does not comply with the terms and conditions detailed in this document, may lead to a claim for compensation for loss or injury and/or be a criminal offence.

Accuracy of Information

The information in the Site is given in good faith and is for general information and interest only. It may change without warning. ISEiW is not responsible for any inaccuracies in the information in the Site. 

The information in the Site should not be relied on and does not make up any form of advice or recommendation. By using the Site you agree that you have not relied on the information in the Site. Any arrangements made between you and anyone or any organisation named or referred to on the Site are entirely at your own risk.

Nothing on the Site is intended to be an offer to enter into a contract.

The Site contains links to other websites. ISEiW accepts no responsibility or liability for the content of other websites. Any link contained in the Site is not intended to be an endorsement of any kind by ISEiW of that website.

You may not create a link to the Site from another website or document unless ISEiW has given you its prior written permission for you to do this.

ISEiW does not guarantee that use of the Site will work with all hardware and software which may be used by visitors to the Site.

ISEiW will not be responsible to you in any circumstance whatsoever for any direct, indirect or consequential loss (all three of these terms include, pure economic loss, loss of profits (whether direct loss or indirect loss), loss of business, depletion of goodwill and any similar loss) however caused in connection with the use of the Site or the use or relying on any information or other materials contained in the Site.


ISEiW will monitor use of the Site, including information inputted by registrants for competition activity.

ISEiW may at any time remove any information which it considers to be inappropriate.

ISEiW's privacy policy can be seen by clicking on the link below. This privacy policy forms part of these terms and conditions. Read the privacy policy.

ISEiW cookie policy can be seen by clicking on the link below. This cookie policy forms part of these terms and conditions. Read the cookie policy.

Complete Agreement
These terms and conditions and the privacy policy referred to contain all the terms and conditions which you and ISEiW have agreed in relation to the use and access of the Site.

Registrations Terms and Conditions

By registering to participate in activity designed, developed and delivered by the Inspiring Skills Excellence in Wales project you agree to the following Terms and Conditions.

By entering Skills Competition Wales you agree to the following Terms and ConditionsCompetition Rules and Privacy Notice. These document should be read in conjunction with competition-specific rules, which are specified in the Competition Briefs. In the event of a conflict, the competition-specific rules will override the rules outlined in this document. 

Any clarifications of these Terms and Conditions, Competition Rules and Privacy Notice should be made to info@skillscompetitionwales.ac.uk 

By registering to participate in an event organised by the Inspiring Skills Excellence in Wales project you agree to the following Terms and Conditions and Privacy Notice.

Jurisdiction and acceptance of these terms and conditions

The Site is controlled and operated by ISEiW from Wales. These terms and conditions and any dispute in relation to the materials contained in the Site shall be governed by English law as applied in Wales. Any disputes which may arise in connection with these terms and conditions or use of the Site will be settled by the English and Welsh courts which will have exclusive jurisdiction.

Your continued use of the Site indicates that you agree to these terms and conditions.

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