Privacy notice
Registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO): Coleg Sir Gar (Z6543042)
To successfully deliver our services we are dependent on you providing us with personal data. Coleg Sir Gar, as the project manager (hereafter, the College) will be the data controller for the personal information you provide. The College will use this information to administer and manage the Inspiring Skills Excellence in Wales project, which is funded by the Welsh Government and supported via the European Social Fund (ESF).
What will the College use your information for?
As a multi project initiative we use your information to provide you with a level of service which best meets your needs. The College will use your data to:
Communicate with you about the services you request
Organise skills competitions and have a go activities
Support you with training and development opportunities
Track your progress and success
Monitor and promote activities in line with Welsh Government expectations
Talk to you about similar services we offer that might be of interest to you.
Who we share your Data with:
If you engage in our activities we will use your data to ensure the best level of service can be provided. This may often mean that we share your information with our approved contracted partners.
Through engaging with our activities, we will share your data with:
Our core funders, Welsh Government, who may use the information for Marketing and Communications purposes alongside monitoring and evaluation.
Our contracted marketing and communications agency
If you are a competitor participating in Skills Competition Wales and/or WorldSkills UK competitions, we will also share your information with:
Your place of study and or employer
The Competition leads who are responsible for ensuring the competitions are designed and delivered effectively.
Sector champions appointed to provide specialist support for competitors
Other specialists and organisations commissioned by us to deliver aspects of our programme of activities.
If you are an ISEiW Ambassador, we will also share your details with:
Our approved training organisations.
If you are a professional, engaging with our CPD opportunities, we will also share your details with:
Agored Cymru who provide certification for the Expert Practitioner Award in Inspiring Skills
Facilitators and Sector Champions appointed to provide specialist support
What personal information may be collected and used by the College?
Some of the data collected by us will be personal data and/or special category data as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation which includes:
Personal Data
Surname and Forename(s)
Address (Home) and Postcodes
Telephone number
E-mail address
Date of birth
Next of kin
Correspondence preference - Welsh / English
Employment status
Employer details
Special Category Data (providing this data is optional and will include)
Disability type
Health conditions
Security Arrangements for your data held by the College
The data the College collects about you will be stored in an access controlled secure database which is regularly tested for safety and integrity.
Your rights and choices
Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) you have the right to:
access the personal data the College holds on you
require the College to rectify inaccuracies in that data
object to processing on grounds relating to your particular situation (in some circumstances)
restrict processing (in some circumstances)
have your data erased (in certain circumstances)
lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s office (ICO) who is the independent regulator for data protection
How long will the College keep your information?
As a funded organisation we must retain data for a certain amount of time, in line with the funders expectations. This is currently set at 5 years after project closure.
Notifications of changes
If the College intends to use your data in a different way from that stated at the time of collection, you will be notified. All of the College’s processing will be in compliance with the extant data protection legislation. Updates to the privacy notice will be available on
For details about the information the College holds and its use, or if you wish to exercise your rights under the GDPR, please see contact: Data Protection Officer, Coleg Sir Gar, Graig Campus, Sandy Road, Llanelli, SA15 4DN or
To contact the Information Commissioner’s Office:
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
029 2067 8400 (Wales helpline) or 0303 123 1113 (UK helpline) or