Future Skills - CPD Opportunities
As a project we recognise the importance of providing staff with the skills and knowledge required ahead of competition activities. With this in mind, over the last few months we have been developing a CPD programme to address these specific needs.
Following our Skills Competition Wales steering groups and an analysis of previous years competition standards, the ISEiW project have identified 5 skill areas that will be prioritised in the short-term. These skill areas are:
Due to the current and ongoing restrictions our CPD offering will be slightly different to what you have seen in the past. There will be a blended approach to learning, which will include online sessions, walkthrough videos and online resources to help boost and bolster your skills sets in these chosen areas.
This new way of learning will allow for remote access to training, saving on time and money. We hope that this model will bring success and will be something we can emulate in the future.
To express our interest in these sessions please email info@inspiringskills.wales