A blog by ISEiW Ambassador Morgan McNeil on why he chose an apprenticehsip to secure his dream career.
Describe your current role as an apprentice
As an apprentice for LGIM my current role is to learn and soak up as much as I can to help me during my apprenticeship. I am currently working on a banking project using the Java programming language to which I have created an application which can register/sign in users, withdraw/deposit, just the usual things you would expect from a bank which is then working with a database to make sure all the information is stored correctly and there are no security issues.
What do you enjoy about being an apprentice?
Being an apprentice at LGIM, I love how I am able to learn on the job doing something which I am very interested in, whilst also being a full-time working employee with a salary. I am advancing my knowledge of programming which is something that I love to do and this helps me kick start my career to become successful be on my way to becoming a Junior Developer and then hopefully Senior down the line. The apprenticeship really sets me up for a great career.
What are the benefits of being an apprentice?
Being apart of LGIM as an apprentice I feel I have many benefits such as being able to earn a good salary whilst also gaining a degree at the end of my apprenticeship. This is really great as I will not to worry about the usual debt that comes with getting a degree by going to an alternative such as university.
I think the best thing is currently I am a full-time permanent employee from the day I started, and all my work currently consists of is me learning more and more to improve my knowledge and get me ready to work in production teams.
Where do you see your experience and role as an apprentice leading to?
After my apprenticeship I would have gained my degree and then be offered a position as a Junior Developer at LGIM should I choose to stay (which I definitely hope to do!). My career and roles will then progress onwards from that role to hopefully a Senior position I feel that being at LGIM I am able to keep progressing myself throughout the organisation and this is something which I really aspire to do.
For more infomration on apprenticeships available in Wales click here